So in a matter of days it seems that the news has spread across time zones and oceans.
Over the last few days Jay's been on the horn it seems every few minutes relaying news to family members and friends, so he thought with all the flurry of information, we should keep a blog of everything happening. This way despite miles, bodies of water and time zones you'll all get accurate information on Jay's status.
Over the last few days Jay's been on the horn it seems every few minutes relaying news to family members and friends, so he thought with all the flurry of information, we should keep a blog of everything happening. This way despite miles, bodies of water and time zones you'll all get accurate information on Jay's status.
To recap what's already happened, Jay has been diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. We've learned of all cancers, this is the one that's most ideal to have, as it has the highest survival and cure rate. Some facts about HL can be found on the Mayo Clinic web page.
Jay noticed a small lump developing on his neck- which he attributed to a rotator cuff injury from earlier this year. Thinking the small lump was just muscle mass or scar tissue, he wasn't concerned about it, until he finally felt some pain in it over the holidays. Other symptoms that he had that seemed circumstantial at the time were weight loss (we know what a gym nut he is) lack of appetite, night sweats, and itchy skin.
Jay went in on Tuesday (Jan. 8) for an appointment, and was immediately rushed through the varying tests and came back with a CT scan showing a quite large tumor in his neck.
Monday, January 14 Jay underwent a biopsy for final confirmation, and today we received those results. Thursday, January 17, Jay and I will meet with his oncology team to begin discussing treatment options ranging from Chemo, to combination treatment of Chemo and Radiation. Treatment can last from one to five years, and the doctors are all very optimistic that while treatment will take a significant toll on his energy and health, he will come out top notch.
As Chemo weakens the immune system while fighting the cancer, please keep that in mind if you're planning a trip to visit, and we'll try and coordinate visits between treatments and when his immune system is at its prime.
As of now, we ask that you simply pray and send us your good wishes; no tears. Positive mind set is crucial, and with Jay being the stud he is, there is no reason he shouldn't beat the sh** out of this with flying colors.
- Jay and Becky 1.16.08
As Chemo weakens the immune system while fighting the cancer, please keep that in mind if you're planning a trip to visit, and we'll try and coordinate visits between treatments and when his immune system is at its prime.
As of now, we ask that you simply pray and send us your good wishes; no tears. Positive mind set is crucial, and with Jay being the stud he is, there is no reason he shouldn't beat the sh** out of this with flying colors.
- Jay and Becky 1.16.08
Wow Jay, I had no idea what happened until Guillermo told me. I wish you the best in everything bro. I just wanted to share these words with you, especially verse 4:
"3 With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. 4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”
I know you will beat this
My J Victor,
I just wanted to say that you WILL BEAT this...I don't have a doubt in my mind!! You are in our hearts and prayers!
Misha, Ramiro and Victoria!!
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