Jay went in Monday at 8:15 for his biopsy.
The biopsy was more painful that expected. The tumor size is estimated slightly greater than 5 cm however is amorphus; not completely circular. It is located between two major arteries.
The picture was taken after the appointment outilining how large the tumor is, and the second set of lines showing that it should not exceed that size after the biopsy (this would indicate internal bleeding/swelling) The second picture shows the puncture location.
Jay we are behind you all the way. You are going to beat the crap out of this thing. Whatever you do...Don't give up, no matter what!
Hi Jay,
Our thoughts, prayers and love are with you. We are keeping a positive attitude -- it is important for you to do the same. You WILL get through this! Remember, we are only a phone call away if you, Bek or the boys need anything! We love you!!!
Mom & Dad (Ronnie & Robert)
Hey Jay! Just wanted to let you know we're all praying for you here in the Bay Area. Sandra and I send our love to you and your family! Take care bro!
Hey Jay,
Just wanted to let you know how much my family and I care about you. You have so many people that love and care about you. We are all praying for you and know that you will beat this. You are my brother and I will take care of or help with anything I can all along the way. Julie and I love you.
Dear Jay,
I know you are strong,and have taken good care of your body. You will come thru this OK.
You will find the people who will be administering the medication are great, they are positive and make sure you will be well again
Love, Grandma Betty
Hi Jason,
We here for you Dude! When things get rough it means better times are coming. God doesn't give us anything we can't handle. Our prayers are with you every night. When this is all over, you and becky, and all the (freds!) have to come to palm beach and kick back a little. Let us know if there is anything we can do.
Roger & Maria
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