Sorry we've been out of the loop- it's been the week from hell!
Jay went through a good chemo session two weeks ago after he had his port put in.
He even went to accupunture the following Friday (2/29).
Somewhere after that it went a little downhill. His health was ok, but on Tuesday of last week we noticed some internal bleeding in his right breast- and he went into the ER to have it looked at. They checked for infection, and xrayed to see if the port was in place, and gave him the "all clear" to go home. The docs told him to keep an eye out for any pus coming from the incision place, fever, or any other symptoms indicating infection.
By Thursday (3/6) he was coughing up some blood (he still had a small cough from being ill from the last time), and when he blew his nose, blood as well. Still not much for the docs to get concerned about. He had noticed a small "pimple" on his leg earlier in the week, which he scratched at. By the Thursday it was a golf ball sized cyst and painful.
By Friday (3/7), he had fever and chills. His doc instructed him to go back to the ER.
The internal bleeding had not gotten any worse, but the original incision was letting off a little blood and looked a frightful mess. The cyst on his thigh was drawing conclusions of "staph infection" from the docs.
They say with a depressed immune system its common to pick up anything and everything, especially as staph is always on each and everyone one of us, no matter how "clean" we are. All it takes is an open wound and lack of immune system to really set it off. Jay being in and out of the ER and hospital in the course of a week, and laying in bed for three days did not do any favors...
The cyst was broken by the ER doc, and then a wick was put in to avoid the wound from closing and to let any infection out. Rounds of antiobiotics were given. They admitted him as they decided the port needed to come out, as for some reason his body was rejecting it, and causing further infection.
So, checked in Friday- pain under control, cyst/staph infection under control... port was removed Saturday, Fever and chills returned through Sunday.
Started to clear up Monday (today), however wick needed to be changed.
This was quite painful, as it was a wick made of gauze, which sticks to wounds. They had to over dose Jay on morphine for this, which left him quite sick for the rest of the day.
He's been in and out of sleep, can't eat, and is quite nauseated- and throwing up.
He probably will spend tomorrow if not Wednesday in the hospital to get him back up to speed for his Chemo Thursday.
As for the rest of the fam- the kids have had a couple healthy weeks, and I am just getting over a nasty round of bronchitis and double ear infection, which knocked me on my butt last week (and delayed getting an update to all of you).
Some silver lining- this Thursday marks the halfway point for Jay in his chemo treatment.
As his tumor has been noticeably shrinking, I am really really optimistic that the worst is behind him. I am not sure if they will be doing any evaluating after this chemo session, but we will keep you posted on any progress that comes about over the next week.
His Chemo sessions were slated for 4 cycles (4 months), with two sessions of chemo each cycle, for a total of 8, with radiation potentially happening after he completed his chemo. Let's hope he is well enough to get his 4th chemo session out of the way this week, and on to a speedier (and LESS COMPLICATED!!!) recovery.
Love from Bek and the boys.
PS- as Jay is still in the hospital, please do not call his cell phone!!
Feel free to email us, and I'll get the messages across, or give me a call.
He's mostly in and out of sleep, and not even up for 5 minute chats- and isn't getting much rest anyway, with the constant vital checks every two hours... and the whirring /beeping of all the devices in the hospital.

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Hi Beckey:
I really wish there was something I could do besides read the updates. However, even if I was a Doctor or some sort of guru, I couldn't do any more than is being done now. So I do pray for him, you and the kids. I know this has to be very hard for you and his family and it's admirable to see everyone is up to the task and trying to lend a hand. There are better times coming and I can feel he knows this as witnessed by his determination and strenght. I really feel he will pull through this and gain much wisdom and an insight that will benifit all that he interacts with. As you probably know I have been ill too for long periods of time and have an understanding of this to some extent. It brings out a will and determination you did not know you had. When it's all over, said and done, it will be Jayson who has been enabled to lead with courage, conviction and determination because most everything else will be a cake walk. The pain ans suffering now will pay sevenfold later. If I can do something to ease the pain for any please let me know.
With much love and respect,
Dang, this last week sounds like it has been really tough.
Hang in there guys, you are all in our prayers. Julie and I are here for you the whole way. I hope you are feeling better Jay and this week goes better than last. I will see you soon.
Love you guys,
Hey Jay and Becky,
Sounds like you've had a rough week buddy. Sorry to hear this. But think, YOU'RE HALF WAY DONE!!! It's all downhill from here and I know you'll do well. Hang in there brutha and know that you're still in our thoughts and prayers! Take care of yourself and hurry up and get better so we can have a "few" beers, haha!
Well hello family,
I'm sorry to hear that it was such a rough week. You are all in our thoughts and prayers!! Wishing we were with you always!! BIG HUGS and KISSES to you all!! Please call me if you need anything...even just someone to talk to.
Misha, Ramiro and Munchie
GO JAY!! hope you're feeling better bro! stay strong!
Hi Jay, Becka, and Boys-
Sorry I haven't written sooner, I do think of you and family often!
I enter you all in prayer and peaceful spirit.
I do wish I were closer, I miss the HUGS!!!
I really like Portland also, A beatiful part of the world.
Take Care ALL, Love and Prayers,
I am so sorry it has been so rough. I am happy to hear that it is at the 1/2 way point. I am so proud of you all. You have amazing strength. Know that I think and pray for you all every day.
Love Jean, Rob and Lolo
Hi Becky and Jay,
I know there isnt much I can do right now. But all I can say is hang in there.
Becky, Im sure this must be very hard for you with the boys and getting sick and all and well, taking care of the whole family. We, Laura, Itzel and I, are praying for you guys to get better soon. And of course, for Jay, to have a fast recovery and to get better soon. When one member of the family suffers, the whole family suffers and its a team effort. From what I read and see, Becky, you are doing a tremendous job! Keep it up. Jay is very lucky to have you and so are the boys. You are a great example of a great wife and mom!!
Jay, please, if there is anything you want from us, you got it! I may not be able to understand the pain you are going through, but I just want you to know you are in our hearts...ONe of our best friends 3 yr old daughter has just been diagnosed with Leukemia and well, we are seeing first hand how much pain and suffering it could be. Hang in there bud!
To Jason, Jordan and Jayden, just hang in there guys. Dad and mom need all the support they can get and you guys can help out allot.
To the Dobermans, woof, woof wooof woof
We love you guys and wish you all the best.
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