Friday, January 25, 2008

Chemo Day 1

Wow- what a day. Started off feeling great at 7am and ready to take on the chemo. After getting the boys to school and Jaden to Pam’s, Becky and I went straight to Pacific Oncology where we thought the chemo would begin. After taking my vitals I met with my Doctor to discuss today’s happenings.
He asked- How did the PET SCAN go?

Well I never had one and I was still waiting for his office to make the appointment. He says they can’t proceed with out getting the PET SCAN first. He said he doesn’t need the results before he can start he just needs it done because after the first round of chemo everything will already change. So after he strong armed the nursing staff they called clinics in Portland finally finding someone that could take me in right away. The problem with this is that a PET SCAN requires fresh radioactive material - so I needed to hope someone else had cancelled in the last 24 hours. Luckily after some searching by the nurses they found an opening at Meridian Hospital about 20 min away.
When I get to the room they immediately start an injection of the radioactive material which they will let flow through my body for 1 hour before they can do the scan.
Feels quite strange knowing that your body is now emitting radioactive waves. During this hour they kept me in a small room and all the walls and doors to this room were lined with lead plates. So at this point all I’m thinking about is how bad is this for me and everyone else?
The nurses assure me that I am fine and not harmful to anyone else or to my self. After my one hour is up they place me in the PET SCAN tube with my arms over my head for 20 minutes. Talk about an uncomfortable position to lie completely still for this long.
When it was all said and done I had to rush back to Pacific Oncology and be there by 1pm. If I was not back by 1pm then they could not administer the chemo today. And there was no way in hell I was going to wait another 24 hours before going to treatment. I had to really psyche myself up today to go in and did not want that feeling to go to waste. Becky and I hustled and made it to check in three minutes before 1pm.This time I was able to get in, skip vitals, and get to it. The nurse administered the IV drip first with an anti-nausea medication. After that completed, the first treatment began. The Chemo medication I am on is ABDV- four separate medications given consecutively during treatment, two through the IV drip, and two through injection (also through the IV).
All this time I am feeling great and ready to take in this fight. Becky left to go back to work for a meeting, so I just lounged around watching Spiderman 3 on Jai’s PSP.

After that I sat with the nurse and discussed side affects and what to do with them all. At this time we also discussed staging. The reason was- based on the PET SCAN, the doctor did find more cancerous tumors in my chest area. This does not mean that the cancer spread like it does in metastatic cancer it simply means there are other cancerous tumors in my lymphatic system. This means I have been elevated to a Stage II but this will not affect my treatment in anyway. This does not lesson the chance of being cured in any way. The doctor did confirm that I will do radiation once we have completed the 4 chemo cycles. Staging will be complete based on the impending results from the bone marrow biopsy. Should that be clear, my stage will stay a II... if there is any sign that the cancer has reached the bone marrow, then that will alter the stage further.
After letting the first two drugs drip slowly into my system the nurse then took a giant syringe filled with red liquid. This is the BAD stuff. This was the stuff that will cause most of the nasty side effects and it’s so bad that if for some reason the liquid leaves my vein it will immediately cause severe damage to everything it touches. Yeah- that scared me but all I can do is sit there and make sure I don’t feel a burning sensation. After that was done they did one more drug through a syringe and I was done for the day. Four hours later.

I left the building feeling good and starving. We got to Pam’s house after picking up my prescription nausea meds and hung out for a few minutes.

Not long after being there I really wasn’t feeling too hot. So we left, I went home to walk my dogs and make some phone calls. Immediately after my last phone call I got hit with the worst body aches and chills I ever had. I was not expecting this at all but with this type of treatment I don’t think you can be fully prepared for what may come your way. I loaded up on the layers of clothes, blankets and cranked the heater. Nothing worked I just felt horrible. My hands were like ice, my head felt hot - I just laid there in pain. I drank some warm tea and tried to eat some soup. Nothing got me warm. Finally I started to hyperventilate and panic. Becky helped me until I was able to calm down.
Once I got myself under control I took some Ativan for anxiety and nausea. This also makes you sleepy which is exactly what I needed. Shortly after, I was able to fall asleep for about an hour. Once I woke I was HOT. I kicked off the blankets, took off all my layers and just sat there. I felt like I just got hit on every part of my body. I was weak, tired and could barely speak. But after some time I did feel a little better. I ate some food and drank a lot of water. And now of course I feel well enough to type this blog.
Now, my body is just really weak and mentally I am in shock. I did not think I would have those side effects so fast and so hard. At least now I know what to expect the next time around and let’s see what tomorrow brings me.


Anonymous said...

Jay, I'm proud of you. What a day.
Even if the meds caught up to you later this evening, you pulled through. You will fight hard, and win... that's how you roll. :)

Love you

Anonymous said...

Jay,what a whirlwind day! So much happening at once. I stopped and said a prayer for you at 8:45 yesterday morning. Then Bek called and told me what had happened with the Pet Scan, and that you didn't start your 1st session until 1 pm. I was hoping the side effects wouldn't knock you on your butt, but at least you know now what the expect the next time. You are a very brave soul.....our prayers are with you every day. Love Ronnie & Robert

Anonymous said...

Continue to stay strong. You are going to destroy this thing. Dad will be there with you for the next treatment and I will be heading up next weekend. Just keep thinking about the end of the 4 months when we will celebrating in somewhere warm with lots of cocktails. I already have the champagne on ice. I want you to not hesitate to call me at anytime you feel down or sick, I don't give a shit what time it is wether 3am or 3pm. I love you very much, don't feel down, you have an enormous family and even more friends that are supporting you through this.

Anil jr

Nicole Smith said...

Wow- I can't believe that you were feeling that horrible and still typed in the blog- YOU ARE MY HERO. Stay strong. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.



Anonymous said...

Dear Jason and Becky,
Well, you did not ask for this but I am proud of how you are handling it. You set an example for all of us! We are here for you day or night to lighten your load.
Love you guys!

Unknown said...

Jay, I am looking forward to being there with you next week. Anything you need, I will do my best to tackle. You are very loved and a very strong person, you will get through this and as Jr. said, we will celebrate old school style when you are done. I love you, Julie and I will be here the whole way to help in any way we can.

One Love,

Anonymous said...


What you focus on is what you feel. We love you and have you in our prayers every day. Word has it Segue will perform at Junior's party...God bless.

Ralph, Kathe and the boys

Anonymous said...

Hi Jason,

We here for you Dude! When things get rough it means better times are coming. God doesn't give us anything we can't handle. Our prayers are with you every night. When this is all over, you and becky, and all the (freds!) have to come to palm beach and kick back a little. Let us know if there is anything we can do.

Roger & Maria

Anonymous said...

i'm proud of you too bro! stay strong!!

Keith said...

Way to go Bro, keep kickin' it's ass, show this SOB who REALLY is the boss!
I'm blown away about you sitting down and writing this not long after, well, you know, YOU DA MAN!
You kinda know what to expect now and can plan accordingly, hang in their Jay, you WILL kick it's a** we'll party down the road.

Signing off now, but will be checking back often.

God speed,


Unknown said...

1 Corinthians 13: 13

" 13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."


Just remember how much we all love you, to help get you through these down days.

Love always
Julie and Joey

Shahrzad & Behzad said...

Hi Jay,

Shahrzad and I are there for you and hope you feel better soon. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I am sure you can fight this off and get rid of it soon. Time will fly by and before you know it, everything will be fine. My old boss went through the same thing and after few chemos he was back on his feet and living a normal life. We know you cand do it. Stay strong and positiveLet us know if we can do anything for you. We are only a phone call away.

Shahrzad & Behzad

Anonymous said...

Wow that is alot to take in all in one day and to feel sick so soon. You a strong, brave man and I know you will beat this. Stay strong and we are here for you and Becky if you need anything.

The Booth Family

Anonymous said...

Jason, we all love you so much and pray for you every day. I know you will get through this in a way that we will all admire!!! We are here for you, what ever you may need.
love always,
Jean, Rob and Laurel